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5 Step Formula to Make Money Online in Nigeria

Affiliate marketing is no doubt one of the best and easiest method to make money online in Nigeria even if you’ve no prior experience. You can pick the products as per your niche and start promoting them.

In this article I have put together all you need to know in other to start making money online in Nigeria today…

Though the article is a bit lengthen and will take you about 20 to 30 minutes. But its worth it 

So, Let’s Get Into It…

Make Money Online in Nigeria
Prove of payment of how I make money online in Nigeria as an affiliate marketer. Click to join

How to make Money Online in Nigeria with Affiliate Marketing

Dear Friends,

I feel so happy as I write this article on the 5 Best Steps Formula to Make Money Online in Nigeria.

Here is why:
I setup a test campaign on Facebook about 2 days ago with just $60 which is about (N21,600)
As at the time of writing this, that test campaign has resulted in N135,000

That is a profit of about N113,000 in 2 days.

And this was made possible because of an online platform called EXPERTNAIRE.

Expertnaire is an online platform that allows Experts (those with quality information, knowledge and expertise) to list and sell their products on their marketplace.

And other people who want to make money online in Nigeria can help them sell those products and smile to the bank.

Let me explain better.

I consider myself to be someone who is an expert at creating valuable knowledge products (books, videos, courses etc)

Over the years, I have created knowledge products and sold tons of them on different areas like:

  • Dating
  • Business and making money online in Nigeria
  • Sex
  • Travel
  • Etc

I have also taught a lot of people how to do the same.

There is no doubt that one of the surest ways to build an online business and make a lot of money online in Nigeria is by creating and selling products that share valuable information in formats like eBooks, videos etc.

But the truth is this:

At the end of the day, most people can’t create their own high demand knowledge products to sell for various reasons.


  • Some just don’t get it regardless of how easy I try to make it.
  • Some just don’t have the time because of their job and other life issues.
  • Some just have other unexplained reasons.

This is not only in Nigeria.

It happens to people all over the world.

So, someone (I actually don’t know who started this) came up with this concept where you can sell another person’s product online and get a part of the commission.

In many cases, you can even use the same marketing materials that person created to sell the product and get paid.

That is how the Clickbank marketplace was launched back in the day.

On Clickbank, there are 2 groups of people.

The first group are known as merchants.

These are people who are able to create high value products (digital) and list them on the Clickbank marketplace along with the marketing material to sell them

The second group are the affiliates who simply sign up on Clickbank and what they do is to pick any product from the Clickbank marketplace.

For each product, there is something called an affiliate link attached to it.

It usually looks like this:

All the affiliate has to do is to find people who are most likely going to be interested in that product and recommend the product to them through his affiliate link so that they can buy through the link.

When someone makes a purchase through the affiliate link, the affiliate gets a certain commission.

Let me illustrate better.

Let’s say a merchant lists a product about “dog training” and let’s say the product sells for $40.

The merchant can now set an affiliate commission for the product. Let’s say 50% which is most common.

What this means is – if an affiliate makes a sale of the product (via his affiliate link), he gets paid 50% of that $40 which is $20.

Are you following me here?


Because of this, a lot of smart people started becoming overnight millionaires.

That is because someone, let’s call him Affiliate X can pick up this dog training product in the example above and advertise it to people who own dogs.

If his advertisement is effective, this affiliate X can keep repeating the adverts and end up selling maybe 2000 copies of that dog training product that he gets paid $20 per sale for.

That is $20 x 2000 = $40,000

Let’s say he spent $10,000 on adverts.

If you remove that cost from the total profits, that means affiliate X is now $30,000 richer – from a digital product he didn’t create.

That is how news got out that one of the easiest ways to make a lot of money online in Nigeria and anywhere in the World is by promoting other people’s digital products as an affiliate.

So, many people started rushing to Clickbank to sign up as an affiliate and start promoting various products from merchants.

Unfortunately, Clickbank blocked out Nigerians probably because we are known around the world as potential fraudsters.


Many Nigerians still find a way to register on Clickbank though but most of them (about 99.9%) don’t make any money because they don’t know how to market and because they are competing with other well trained and experienced affiliates from all over the world.

I actually told you all this long story to help you understand the concept of selling other people’s digital products in other to make money online in Nigeria.

So want to Make Money? Let's Go Back to ExpertNaire

Don’t worry.

I will share the 5 step formula to instant cash by selling other people’s digital products online later on.

On Expertnaire, Nigerians with quality knowledge based digital products can list them – along with marketing materials that makes selling them easier for affiliates.

Then affiliates can sign up to the Expertnaire platform, pick one or more products to market and use the affiliate links of each product to market them.

When someone buys the product via the affiliates’ link, the affiliate will get a commission for that product.

Now that you understand how this works, let me explain how you can become an affiliate of in other to make money online in Nigeria

Step 1 to Make Money Online in Nigeria: Create an Account with Expertnaire

Go to

Fill the form and click Register (you should read the terms and conditions too though)

Once you click REGISTER, the system will show you a popup notification informing you that the fee for becoming an affiliate on Expertnaire is N10,000 a year.

Just click the Yes, Continue button to move on.

Or click cancel if you are not willing to pay the fee.

When you click the Yes, Continue button, the system will show you the Paystack form for payment.

You can use the CARD option or BANK option to pay with Paystack.

Sometimes, the network from your bank might not be good and your payment might not go through.

If that is the case, just try it again later on.

Once your payment goes through, you will get an email and you will get instant access to the affiliate dashboard.

STEP 2 to Make Money Online in Nigeria: Add Your Bank Account

Once you are signed up as an affiliate, you can log on to the system if you are logged out using your email address and password you used in signing up.

Just go to and login from there.

This will always bring you to your affiliate dashboard where you can see a summary of your sales etc

The first thing you should do after signing up is to add your bank account details.

Here is why:

Expertnaire pay affiliates every Friday.

But if you do not have your bank account details on your profile, you won’t be able to receive your money.

So, in order to do this, click on your profile picture, it will drop down, then click on PROFILE

affiliate marketing with expertnaire profile update


Then, on the next page, click EDIT MY PROFILE

affiliate marketing with expertnaire profile


It will bring you a page that has all your details.

Scroll down until you see the section where you can add your bank account details.

affiliate marketing with expertnaire adding bank account

Ensure you add your bank account details correctly and click on SAVE.

Once you have done that, it is now time to get your affiliate links and start promoting some products.

STEP 3 to Make Money Online in Nigeria: Get Your Affiliate Link

Again, your affiliate link is your unique link that allows the system to know that a particular sale came from you so that you are credited for it.

The good thing about the affiliate links on Expertnaire is that they all come with a 90-day cookie.

This is what I mean.

Let’s say someone clicks on your affiliate link today but does not buy immediately.

Let’s say this person now comes back to the product page 87 days later and buys, the cookie that the affiliate link set on the person’s browser makes it easy for the system to identify that this customer was referred by you and you get the commission.

Isn’t that sweet?

Okay, here is how you get your affiliate links.

Once you are logged in, there is a set of links by your right side (either on desktop or mobile)

Make money online in Nigeria with expertnaire

The second link on this menu is what you click on to get your affiliate links.

When you click on affiliate links on the menu, it takes you to a page where we have all the various products listed.

On this page, you will see details about each product.

  • The product name
  • Product price
  • Commission percentage paid to affiliates
  • And the affiliate link for the product

Something like the image below.

Make Money Online in Nigeria with Affiliate Marketing

As you can see in the image above, the blue button circled in red is where you can get the affiliate link for the product you want to promote.

Again, each product has its own unique affiliate link.

All you have to do is click on the blue button and it will open a box with the affiliate link for that product.

Then you can simply copy it

For instance, here is an affiliate link for a product on Ecommerce called 10x.

Expeertnaire affiliate link

As you can see, the link is kinda long.

That is how most affiliate links are.

Now that you understand how to use Expertnaire system, let’s talk about how to actually promote your affiliate links so that people can actually click on it and buy.

Because, let’s face it.

Just Having an affiliate account on Expertnaire won’t give you money.

You only make money when:

– You promote your affiliate link for a product to people who are interested in that product and they buy.

The more you can do that, the more money you can make.

So, how do you make money online promoting your affiliate links?

First, it is important that you get this advice screwed deep into your mind.

When it comes to promoting products online (either it is yours or the ones you are promoting as an affiliate) – The best way to get results is to put the right message in front of the right audience.

Many people make this mistake over and over.

If you promote your affiliate link about a product to the wrong audience, you won’t make any money.

That is the plain truth.

Here is an example for you to understand what I am saying.

Let’s say you decide to promote the US Visa Guide product that pays N5000 per sale to affiliate.

But you now decide to promote it in a FB group that is mostly dominated by students.

What will happen?

Many of them will probably click on it because the appeal of getting a US Visa is strong to Nigerians.

But when they get to see the price (N10,000), they will simply close the page.

So, you might look at your tracking reports (e.g. from and see that you got 478 clicks without a sale.

What happened?

You promoted to the wrong crowd.

Meanwhile, another affiliate could write a short Facebook post that looks like the one below:

Why Many Nigerians Struggle to Get a US Visa

Some days ago, I was discussing with a colleague of mine who just returned from the US.

According to him he got a 2 years, US Visa the very first time he applied.

Was it due to luck?

The answer is No.

He was able to get the Visa because he had access to certain insider information that many people who apply for a US Visa do not know.

As a matter of fact, he also told me about 7 people who have been able to get their own 2 years, US Visa by applying the same insider information he used.

For instance, there are certain questions the US Consulate official will ask you during an interview and they expect you to respond in a certain way.

If you do not respond well, your Visa application will be rejected.

If you are interested in increasing your chances of getting a US Visa when you apply, he has written a guide on these little-known US Visa information

Click Here to Get the Guide – Affiliate link goes here

Affiliate Name

Then, let’s say this affiliate targets the advert at the right people who are between ages 28 – 45, working etc

What will happen?

Even if he only got 100 clicks, those 100 clicks could end up in 5 sales just because he put the right message in front of the right people.

The idea is this: Before you ever promote your affiliate link for a product, ensure you have a good idea of the type of audience that are potential buyers for that product.

Here are some examples to play with:

With that said, let me share 3 different strategies with you for promoting an affiliate product.

  1. The ROOKIE Strategy
  2. The Good Enough Strategy
  3. The Professional Strategy

Let’s take them one after the other.

The Rookie Strategy

The rookie strategy is not an effective one.

But sometimes, it might work a bit if some of the elements are right.

Back in the day, I went to clickbank to get my affiliate link for a product on dating.

So, I went to a dating forum and I started posting the affiliate links all over hoping for people to click the link and buy.

I did that for 2 full weeks and I made ZERO sales.


I was following the rookie strategy.

But sometimes, the rookie strategy can work a bit.

Here is such cases.

Let’s say you are promoting a mainstream product (a mainstream product is a product that appeals to a mass audience – E.g. Weight loss, making money etc)

Then let’s say you have about 2000 people on your FB friends list who are at least 28 years upwards.

Next, let’s say you make a post on your FB wall where you are simply recommending this article for others to go and read:

How Bishop Oyedepo’s Book Moved Me From N5 to N50,000 in 2 Weeks by TOYIN OMOTOSO

Back in 2008, I remember there was a time when

all I had to my name was N5 only.

Yes. Five Naira.

And I carefully hid it inside my Bible.

Believe it or not, that was all I had for about 3 months.

In order to eat, I would hang out with some of my neighbours that I had turned to friends (just to be get benefits like getting food to eat)

But one day, I came across a book by Bishop David Oyedepo.

It was a small book titled:

If you can think enough, what you have is enough

I read the book and it changed my life.

For the first time, I began to understand how to think

strategically and get yourself out of any situation

you are in – especially financial situation.

So, I followed what the Bishop taught in the book.

Here is an example.

It is important that you understand that apart from

money, there are other resources you have that you

can use to move your life forward.

Sit down with a clean sheet of paper and write them down.

E.g. What skills do you have

What talents do you have

What special networks do you have?

What material things do you have that you can sell?

What physical attributes do you have?

Once you have listed all these down, the next thing to do is to simply think of how you can utilize any of those things to move forward.

But you need to think deeply here using a pen and paper.

Once you are through, look at the best ideas that come up and begin to work on them immediately.

When I did this exercise, even though I thought all I had was N5, the book helped uncover other resources that I didn’t know I had.

2 weeks later, I had N50,000 in the bank and my life began to change from that moment onwards.

The truth is, our creator gave us our brains to help us solve many of our life problems but most people do not know how to think strategically and this limits what they can achieve in life.

Whenever you think you are stuck in life or you are not making as much money as you want to make, I can assure you that if you make use of your brain to think strategically, your life will improve.

Up till today, I still use these thinking strategies anytime I feel stuck, need ideas or need to get ahead with my life and business

Most people do not use these thinking strategies and that is one of the main reasons why many find it difficult to get ahead in their life and business.

Make it a decision to use your brain more efficiently from now on.

May God help us all.

PS: Toyin Omotoso is the author of the unusual book

How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine” that has transformed a lot of lives.

Click here to get a copy:

=> Put your affiliate link here

If you have at least 2000 active people on your FB/Instagram/Whatsapp friends list who are between ages 28- 45, many of them will read the article, click on the affiliate link there and many will buy immediately.

But then, while this can make you some money fast, it is not a business strategy that can be ongoing.

And usually, the money you make from here might not really be much because it is all about leveraging the contacts you have already.

So, that takes us to the next strategy.

The Good Enough Strategy

This is a strategy that a lot of affiliates use to make money online in Nigeria fast.

But I consider it a short term strategy.

I only use it when I want to promote products in certain markets where I do not have a list and where I do not intend to build one.

This is how it works.

You create a piece of presell content that creates demand for the product you are promoting.

And put the presell content on a blog or on your website.

Then you run adverts that send traffic to the presell.

When people land on the presell, they read it and clickthrough via your affiliate link to the product page.

So, it is like this:


The main elements here are your adverts and the presell.

In fact, the presell is what determines how effective this strategy will be.

If you can create a piece of powerful presell content (E.g. look at the presell by Rich Jerk below), then you can use this strategy effectively to promote any product as an affiliate and make a killing.

 The Presell Content Can Be:

A case study

A story (It can be the story of how the product you are promoting as an affiliate changed your life)

An interview

A product review (Your honest thoughts about the product. If you can present it in way that gets people to believe you, this will work)

An advertorial (that looks like editorial content reported by a journalist)

This method of creating presells and using them to promote affiliate products is what the Rich Jerk was known for a lot.

SIDE NOTE: The Rich Jerk is the nickname of a former Clickbank affiliate who made millions of dollars in affiliate commissions and was very successful

Below is a presell for one of his websites that he used to promote a money making product as an affiliate.

Get Rich Quick Scams Revealed!

Read this special article before you consider joining or paying for a “Get Rich Quick” program.

January 18th 2006

From the desk of Jane Doe (senior reviewer)

Wouldn’t it be nice to make a bundle of money quickly, with minimal effort, working at home in your pajamas? Of course it would. I for one would love to have money flowing into my bank account, working only a few hours a week from home, so I’d have more time to spend with my kids and my husband, without any boss looking over my shoulder.

Whether it’s real estate investing, selling by classified ads, stock market investing, internet affiliate marketing, or something else, we’ve all seen the fantastic claims people make about making tons of money, AND how they can show you how to do the same thing. I can tell you right now that 99% of these people are total frauds.

You may have even fallen prey to one of these scam artists, selling you their latest “get rich quick” program. Me too. I’ve bought so many of these programs that I can’t even recall how many. I don’t know why, but I tend to find the “good” in people, and I was “sold” by these marketing schemes time and time again, even after being scammed by another. Finally, after so many disappointments, I got FED UP. I decided to get to the bottom of this fascination we all have with get rich quick programs, and find out if there really were any LEGITIMATE programs for making money.

I literally contacted the administrator of every get rich quick website I could find. Posing as an investor, I managed to convince the owners that I was seriously interested in purchasing their entire website and business. That way, once the dollar signs flashed in their heads, they would give me free access to their member’s areas to review what I would be “buying”. Well, I was disgusted with 99% of what I found.

Many of the owners actually boasted about how many people bought their useless programs. I repeatedly found:

  • outdated information
  • non-working links
  • links leading to other sites that asked for more money
  • no help section
  • no real email support

I quickly realized that these so-called Get Rich Quick programs were totally useless. And the owners knew it, yet they were laughing all the way to the bank! Needless to say, I didn’t respond when they asked if I was still interested in buying their websites. Surprisingly, while sifting through all of the scam artists’ websites, I was able to locate a couple of individuals that actually ran legitimate programs.

The owners were every day people like you and me that found a way to make extra money working from home on their computers. Their membership areas were impressive, with a good amount of quality information on how to make $100-$200 per day on your computer doing very little work. I even chatted with a few of their customers in several online forums, and they verified that they were making extra money through the sites. It was like I found a few diamonds in the rough.

But don’t take my word for it, you can visit the 2 sites I found below. See what you think.

They do charge a minimal fee for access to their program, which is to be expected for any legitimate company that actually has people on staff who are dedicated to helping you get started.

What a friendly group of people! Anyway, if you do decide you are interested in either of the two programs below, I advise you to join quickly, as the owners have informed me that they are getting so many new members by word of mouth referrals, that they will be closing off membership completely in the next 2 days. (By the way, you didn’t hear this from me!) They don’t have a large enough staff to accommodate many more people, and they are dedicated to providing excellent service to each person.

Well, my search for legitimate Get Rich Quick programs has come to an end. I have to say I was thoroughly disappointed with most of what I found, and I strongly advise that you do not take chances joining any programs other than the two listed below! Whatever you do, I wish you a healthy, prosperous year for you and yours.

All the best.


Jane Doe

Here are the links to the 2 programs we do recommend (both with your embedded affiliate code).

All he did was to now buy adverts from Google Adwords back in the day and he directs the traffic to the site with this presell article.

According to him, this website made $50,000 a month in profits before people started copying it.

WARNING: These days, do not use the word SCAM in any of your online campaigns or else you will get flagged.

You can do the same too.

Just create a presell content about a product you want to promote and put the presell content on your blog/website.

Then send traffic to it from Facebook or Instagram.

At the end of the presell content, tell them about the product you are promoting with your affiliate link.

EXAMPLE: If you have read my book on LBCM and you really think it affected you in a positive way, you can write an article about how the book helped you and why you think others should read it. End by telling people how to get it which is where you place your affiliate link.

Then, put the article on your blog and run traffic to it from facebook.


Let’s say I wanted to promote App Canvas 2.0 that lets you build apps without coding

I could write a presell article titled: 7 Money Making Lessons I Learnt that Made me $800 Monthly Building Mobile Apps without coding.

I will put this article on my blog and at the end, I will talk about his App and recommend it to people who read the article.

I can now run FB Ads that say something like:

NEW POST: If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, this article might be the best advice you will read today. Click here


If I wanted to promote the US Visa guide on Expertnaire as an affiliate using this strategy, I could create a presell that looks like the one below. I would improve the article if I wanted to use it though.

Why Many Nigerians Struggle to Get a US Visa

Some days ago, I was discussing with a colleague of mine who just returned from the US.

According to him he got a 2 years, US Visa the very first time he applied.

Was it due to luck?

The answer is No.

He was able to get the Visa because he had access to certain insider information that many people who apply for a US Visa do not know.

As a matter of fact, he also told me about 7 people who have been able to get their own 2 years, US Visa by applying the same insider information he used.

For instance, there are certain questions the US Consulate official will ask you during an interview and they expect you to respond in a certain way.

If you do not respond well, your Visa application will be rejected.

If you are interested in increasing your chances of getting a US Visa when you apply, he has written a guide on these little-known US Visa information

Click Here to Get the GuideAffiliate link goes here

Affiliate Name

This example is for you to get the idea of how this strategy works.

At the end of the presell content, I would recommend the US visa guide just like you can see above.

Then, I can run FB Adverts to the presell article on my blog.

The FB Ads could read something like these:

AD ONE: WARNING! Don’t pay any agent for a US Visa until you have read this

AD TWO: NEW ARTICLE: Why Many Nigerians Struggle to Get a US Visa

As you can see, the disadvantage of this strategy is that there is no room for follow-up.

So, if your presell is not powerful enough to get people to buy the product you are recommending, there is nothing you can do about it.

When you are using this strategy, you also want to be tracking your results since you are spending money to advertise.

If you are spending $20 to make $22, it is not worth it.

That might mean you should create a better presell or maybe you should look at the people you are targeting your adverts to.

Truth is – many affiliates who use this strategy get negative results at the beginning but they later work on improving their ads and presells and then scale up.

Some affiliates even run adverts that send traffic directly to their affiliate links.

Like this:


It works too sometimes especially if the salespage for the product is really powerful.

But using a presell always work to boost sales than when you do not use presells.

If not using a presell (sending direct traffic) gives you 20 sales, then using a really effective presell could give as much as 80 sales. That is 4X the results

I am not saying using a presell automatically gives you 4X of the results you get when you don’t use one.

I am only saying using a really good presell works far better than when you don’t use one.

The Professional Strategy

This is the best strategy so far.

This is how you can have an online business, not off and on campaigns.

I call this the professional strategy because it allows you to build a list of people that you can keep selling other related products to.

It is what many super affiliates use.

This strategy is made up of 5 steps.

It is those 5 steps that I was thinking of when I wrote this article and titled it – The 5 Step Formula to Instant Cash By Selling Other People’s Digital Products Online.

The 5 steps are:

STEP 1: Pick a product & identify the audience for the product.

STEP 2: Create a lead magnet to attract potential buyers

STEP 3: Create a squeeze page to give away the lead magnet

STEP 4: Redirect people to a thank you page that promotes the affiliate product

STEP 5: Promote the affiliate products via follow up email

Let me explain how to use those 5 steps again using my LBCM book offer on Expertnaire as an example.

By the way you can get a copy of the book here


The first and basic thing to do to make real money online in Nigeria is to pick a product.

Here, we are using my LBCM book offer on Expertnaire as an example.

Once you have picked the product, it is important that you identify the POP (pocket of people) that you want to promote it to.

This POP must be people who are going to be interested in.

Not just any type of audience.

In the case of my book which has a theme of business/making money, the POP/audience can be:

– People who are already interested in business opportunities

– People who already read other business/money making books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad etc

– People who like authors of books about success, business and making money

It is very important that you do this for any product you want to promote.

If you can’t figure out the potential buyers audience for a product, you have no business promoting it.


Now that you know the audience of people that will be interested in the product you want to promote, it is time to move to the next step which is:

Create a lead magnet to attract potential buyers

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is simply a piece of value that give away for free in order to attract those audience that you want and build a list so that we can contact them over and over again.

You can also call it a BAIT like Dan Kennedy.

As you know, a really good bait is something that you use to entice.

And according to good ol’ Dan Kennedy, powerful bait (or lead magnet) is information, ideas, secrets about something that your critter (target audience) is interested in.

This lead magnet can be in form of a report, mindmap, video, software etc

My favourite is using reports (in PDF format) because they are just easy for me to create.

All I have to do is think of the various ideas, tricks, insider information, tips that the target audience I am trying to attract will be interested in.

Then I will create a report on any of them but the title has to be really great.

Here is an example.

Back in 2009 when I wanted to build my first list, I sat down and created a lead magnet (a report) titled:

7 Fast Ways to Create Hot Info Products that Will Sell and Sell Like Crazy

I used that to attract people who were interested in how to make money online selling information products.

Here is another example:

Let’s say I want to attract people who are interested in getting outstanding results from their Facebook adverts, I could create a lead magnet titled:

The 7 part guide to writing outstanding facebook ads

Here is another example:

Let’s say I want to attract an audience of men who are looking for a woman to marry, I could create a lead magnet report that is titled:

5 ways to attract the woman of your dreams by Dec. 2016

I hope you are getting the idea by now.

So, back to my LBCM book, you can come up with various ideas and topics.

But here is one that we can use to attract people who will be interested in buying this book.

How about:

15 tips for generating money making ideas

The good thing is that it is not compulsory that you are the creator of the lead magnet as long as you have the rights to share it.

It might even be something that you got from a book you are reading.

But it must be either valuable or irresistible.

Here is another example.

I wrote a book where I shared “7 highly profitable businesses you can start with little capital and gave that away for free”

That can also attract the type of audience that is needed to buy my book.

The woman you are looking at below sells products on weight loss and fitness for women.

According to her, when she wrote that report, she was in debt. Now, she has over 80,000 subscribers who have signed up to get her report and who are buying her products. And now, she is in the 2-comma club (people who make at least $1,000,000 a year)

I believe this is well understood at this point.

So, let’s move to the next step


This next step is something you should be used to by now and this is where you create an optin page to give the lead magnet away.

I won’t be dwelling much here.

An optin page is made up of 3 elements:

– A headline

– The optin form

– And the picture of the lead magnet (optional)

Here are Some Worthwhile Examples you can use to Make Money Online in Nigeria as well:

opt in form
opt in form
opt in form

In order to put up your optin page, you need a webpage builder and an autoresponder.


This is your first opportunity to start making money.

Once people have opted in to get your lead magnet, you shouldn’t give them the lead magnet immediately.

Instead, you should redirect them to a thank you page that promotes the affiliate product.

Here is what I mean:

Let’s say you have an optin page where you are giving away a lead magnet titled: 7 highly profitable Make Money Online in Nigeria business you can start with less than N50k

Once people sign up to get the lead magnet from your optin page, you should redirect them to a thank you page that says something like:


The report you requested for has been sent into the email address you provided.

Before you go ahead and read it, here is an article from one of my mentors that I think will help you succeed in business

How Bishop Oyedepo’s Book Moved Me From N5 to N50,000 in 2 Weeks


Back in 2008, I remember there was a time when all I had to my name was N5 only.

Yes. Five Naira.

And I carefully hid it inside my Bible.

Believe it or not, that was all I had for about 3 months.

In order to eat, I would hang out with some of my neighbours that I had turned to friends (just to be get benefits like getting food to eat)

But one day, I came across a book by Bishop David Oyedepo.

It was a small book titled:

“If you can think enough, what you have is enough”

I read the book and it changed my life.

For the first time, I began to understand how to think strategically and get yourself out of any situation you are in – especially financial situation.

So, I followed what the Bishop taught in the book.

Here is an example.

It is important that you understand that apart from money, there are other resources you have that you can use to move your life forward.

Sit down with a clean sheet of paper and write them down.

E.g. What skills do you have?

What talents do you have?

What special networks do you have?

What material things do you have that you can sell?

What physical attributes do you have?

Once you have listed all these down, the next thing to do is to simply think of how you can utilize any of those things to move forward.

But you need to think deeply here using a pen and paper.

Once you are through, look at the best ideas that come up and begin to work on them immediately.

When I did this exercise, even though I thought all I had was N5, the book helped uncover other resources that I didn’t know I had.

2 weeks later, I had N50,000 in the bank and my life began to change from that moment onwards.

The truth is, our creator gave us our brains to help us solve many of our life problems but most people do not know how to think strategically and this limits what they can achieve in life.

Whenever you think you are stuck in life or you are not making as much money as you want to make, I can assure you that if you make use of your brain to think strategically, your life will improve.

Up till today, I still use these thinking strategies anytime I feel stuck, need ideas or need to get ahead with my life and business

Most people do not use these thinking strategies and that is one of the main reasons why many find it difficult to get ahead in their life and business.

Make it a decision to use your brain more efficiently from now on.

May God help us all.

PS: Toyin Omotoso recently wrote a book titled “How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine” that has transformed a lot of lives.

Click here to get a copy ( Put your affiliate link here)

Are you seeing what is happening here?

Instead of just promoting the affiliate product directly, we are building a list first and then introducing the affiliate product to them once they sign up.

Because of this process, we now have access to their email address and we can follow them up.

When you redirect people to a thank you page that looks like the one I shared above, many people are going to click on your affiliate link and buy the book immediately.

But many still won’t buy immediately.

But no problem because we can follow them up and that is another big reason why this strategy is better than the first two.

Follow up is important because most people don’t buy the first time online.

That is just the way it is.

They buy later on after they have seen the same offer at least 7 times.

That brings us to the next step


You already know why follow up is important.

In this next step, we can now begin to make use of the access we have to this new subscriber.

First, we will deliver the lead magnet we promised them.

This is done automatically by your autoresponder.

Next, we start to follow them up to promote PRODUCT No 1.

Product No. 1 is the first product we are promoting to them.

I recommend at least 8 followup emails for effective conversions. They can be one day apart.

In order to do the follow-ups, one easy way is to share tips from the digital products that makes the reader want more.

Here are some examples:

Since we are promoting my LBCM book, here is an example of angles that you could create email followups around.

SUBJECT: These 3 demons keep people poor

When I started reading Toyin Omotoso’s LBCM book, one of the areas that really touched me was when he talked about the 3 demons that set people back in life.

These demons are the main reason why a lot of people are poor.

You probably know these demons too.

Maybe you are even affected by 1 or 2 of them

They are:

– Fear

– Laziness

– Procrastination

How do you overcome these demons?

That is what chapter 3 of his LBCM book is all about.

Click here to get a copy today:

(your affiliate link goes here)

Did you see what I just did there?

If you have read my book, you can see that I just took that out of it.

You can do the same for any digital product.

Even if you don’t have the digital product, you can look at the sales copy and pick up some tips that you can use in creating your followup emails.

Want to start a busienss? Checkout these 5 Secrets to Finding Profitable Niche in Business 


This is just the beginning.

Overall, your ability to drive a lot of targeted traffic when you are using strategy 2 or 3 will determine how much money you can make.

But in order for you to even start making a lot of money from my products and that of others, you have to sign up as an affiliate on Expertnaire.

You can get a 2-years free access to Expertnaire when you watch this video

If you want to be heavily involved in making big commissions from promoting my products, then you should start building a list.

If you don’t want to build an email list, you can start by building an audience using facebook groups.

I can’t go into details on how to do that in this eBooks but it is simple.

One guy I know built a facebook group of 10,000 people within 3 months.

And he did it for free.

The idea is that you do not have any excuse.


If you will like to get an in-depth training on how to sell affiliate products and Make Money Online in Nigeria from the Expertnaire platform, the best training I can recommend for you right now is my 5-modules training called 72 hours Income Generator training program.

This program consists of about 5 modules and 4 PDFs that walks you through the same formula myself and my students use to make as much as N50,000 a day on Expertnaire

If you raelly want to Make Money Online in Nigeria Get this training by Clicking Here

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