Getting started with Facebook Ads is very easy. All you need is a Facebook account so you can create a fan page, add a billing method, and you’re good to go.
Then you can start creating your ads which you can publish in just a few minutes or so.
You’re probably thinking right now,
“Wait, is that it?
Is Facebook Ads that simple?”
Yes, it is simple if you just want to put out ads WITHOUT giving thought to how your audience is going to react and WITHOUT caring about conversions.
BUT if you care about creating high converting Facebook ads at a lower ad cost, then you need to do a lot of work.
You’d have to know how to create a sales funnel or a lead capture funnel.
You’d have to know how to target the right audiences for better ad engagement.
You’d have to know how to create the right ad creatives so you can catch the attention of your target audience.
And if you want to maximize your conversions, you’d need to enter the wonderful world of the Facebook pixel.
It’s a cute name, sure, but it’s also quite possibly the very best marketing tool for any serious marketer.
So let’s dive into the topic of the day, and I’ll show you a few strategies on how you can make high converting Facebook ads.
By the way, I have an indeed step by step Facebook Ads Video Course that you can get started with here
5 Simple Steps To Dominate Facebook Ads
#1: Collect your customers' data even if you have no plans of advertising on Facebook anytime soon.
You may not think you’d need it yet, but I can assure you doing this as soon as possible will save you a lot of headaches when you do decide to advertise on Facebook whether it be in a few months or a few years from now.
You can collect customer data even if you are running an offline business. It’s just a bit more cumbersome as opposed to having people sign up to a mailing list on your website but offline data works just fine.
For example, if you have a restaurant, you can create a loyalty card where people get a free drink or a free meal after they spend a certain amount or after they’ve been to your restaurant a few times.
When they sign up for a loyalty card, they’d need to fill out a form and write down their name, email address, telephone number, etc.
If you’ve got a popular restaurant, you can have a sizeable collection of customer data in your care.
When you’re ready to advertise on Facebook, you can simply upload an electronic version of your customer data file to Facebook, and it will then match your customer’s profile with an existing Facebook profile.
If you’re concerned about privacy, don’t be. Facebook will hash the data so you can only see your audience data, you can’t see your customer’s individual profiles.
Likewise, if you are running an online business, you can create a sign-up form and ask people to sign up to your mailing list.
Of course, this is easier said than done because most people won’t give you their email address even if you asked them nicely and in the most polite way possible.
To get them to sign up, you’d have to offer them something valuable in return, like a free eBook or access to a case study or video, etc.
If you have a mobile or web app and you’ve added the Facebook SDK to it, then you can also target people who’ve installed your app and took specific actions.
The same goes for your website. Have the Facebook pixel installed on your site so it can start collecting data about your website visitors.
The earlier you have the pixel installed, the more data Facebook can work with when you finally decide to advertise on Facebook and create a custom audience of people who’ve interacted with your business.
Lastly, you can start growing your Facebook page organically. Ask your friends and followers to share your page with their network of friends.
Get more people to like and follow your page by posting really valuable information that will encourage people to check out your page often.
For instance, if you’re into cat videos, then post cat videos regularly.
If you’re running a crafts business, post pictures of your latest products and tips on how to make those products.
Your audience will love you for it, and you’ll have plenty of organic fans coming to visit your page all the time.
When you’re ready to scale your business, you can then target the people who liked your page and create a lookalike audience so you can reach even more of the same people!
If you’re wondering why collecting data is so important, it’s because these people belong to a warm audience.
A warm or hot audience are those who’ve interacted with your business before.
They’ve been on your website or app, or they’ve been to your restaurant or any other business.
In short, they know you, they’re familiar with you, and they probably trust you.
These are the best kinds of audiences to target because there’s already a level of familiarity there.
When asked to choose between a total stranger or a somewhat familiar business, who do you think your audience will choose to do business with?
That’s right, they’ll prefer to do business with those they’re already familiar with!
#2: Create a Lookalike Audience of your Winning Custom Audience.
Facebook’s targeting options are on point.
Other advertising platforms’ targeting options don’t come anywhere near Facebook’s, not even the search engine giant Google.
With Facebook’s Ads lookalike audience, you’re essentially targeting people who ‘lookalike’ your source audience.
This technique is immensely powerful because if your custom audience is a winner, that is, you get high conversion rates from it, then creating a lookalike audience is basically duplicating that winning audience!
Technically, a lookalike audience is a cold audience because they’ve probably never heard of your brand or business before.
But remember, these people have the same characteristics as your winning audience, so they already have something in common with your winning audience.
If your winning audience gave you, for example, 50% conversions, then your lookalike audience will probably convert at the same or slightly lower rate.
It’s not a guarantee of course, but still, you have to admit that a lookalike audience is a much better audience to target than an absolutely 100% cold audience that does not share any characteristics with your winning audience!
To put it into perspective, here’s an example. Let’s say the winning audience is composed of 20-year old males in New York who like the band Metallica.
You’re selling a Metallica t-shirt to this audience, and you got 50% conversions.
This means if your target audience was 1,000 people, then 500 of them bought your shirt.
So now you want to target other Metallica fans in other cities.
So you create a lookalike audience of your New York Metallica group in Los Angeles.
The audience size is also 1,000.
Do you think you’ll also get 500 sales of the same t-shirt in L.A.? Maybe, maybe not. But for sure, targeting Metallica lovers in L.A. is much better than targeting random people in L.A. who may or may not like Metallica!
#3: Create A Lead Capture Funnel And Retarget Your Custom and Lookalike Audiences.
Retargeting simply means getting your ads in front of people who’ve interacted with your business before.
In tips #1 and #2, I showed you just how important it is to gather customer data early on so you can contact them later and create a lookalike audience from them as well.
With retargeting, you’re re-introducing your business to them. You don’t have to sell them to them in your first campaign. Rather, I suggest offering something of value to them first.
When they bite or take advantage of your offer, you can then move them down your sales funnel or lead capture funnel, and you can offer them even more targeted ads.
The advantage of having a sales funnel in place is you know exactly where your target audience is and you can create custom adverts for them to help ensure high conversion rates.
The more often they see your ads on their Facebook or Instagram, the more they’ll remember you.
When it’s time to ask them for the sale, it’s easier for them to take out their wallets because
- they know you and
- you’ve provided them plenty of value because they’ve downloaded your free eBooks and free courses.
Essentially, you’ve established yourself as an authority in their minds hence the higher trust factor.
Of course, not everyone is going to buy from you, but the point is if you design your funnel correctly and offer your leads ‘value bombs’ then your conversion rates are most probably going to skyrocket into upper double digits!
#4: Split Test Your Ad Campaigns To See What Really Works
Don’t think that only large companies with virtually unlimited budgets can afford to split test.
Even small marketers and entrepreneurs split test to get tangible data on what’s working for their audience, and what’s not.
Having this kind of knowledge is extremely important if you want to succeed with Facebook Ads.
And it’s not like you have to spend thousands of dollars for split testing. For just a few dollars a day, you can split test your ads and let it run for a few days till you get some good data.
With split testing, you’re basically crossing off the list all those elements which don’t convert very well, leaving behind only the elements that your audience responds favorably to.
To make sure you don’t get skewed results, always test one element at a time and keep everything else the same.
For example, if you’re testing which headline works best with your audience, then use different headlines for Ad 1 and Ad 2.
You’re going to get very confused if you also use different graphics along with different headlines because you can’t say for sure that it’s the headline, and not the graphics, your audience didn’t like!
#5: Optimize Your Ad Design
I put split testing as the previous tip because split testing and optimizing ad design work hand-in-hand.
When you’re split testing, you’re discarding different elements that don’t work so that you can optimize and create better-looking ads in the next iteration.
When optimizing ad designs, it’s important to take a look at your ad with a critical eye.
However, you may be biased and say it looks good enough, but your audience may disagree with you.
Follow your audience’s consensus – they’re the ones who are going to buy your products or service, not you, so you must follow whatever their preferences are.
With that being said, just remember that your ad design needs to stand out from everybody else’s.
You’re competing with many other advertisers for your audience’s attention, so you better make sure the ads you’re paying for are going to grab their attention!
Make them ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at your advert. Make them laugh or cry, anything to try and get a reaction out of them.
When you have them hooked on your ad, chances are they’re going to follow your call to action which will, of course, lead to higher conversion rates.
Final Thoughts On High Converting Facebook Ads
There are many ‘ingredients’ that go into making a successful and high converting Facebook advert.
Put some time into learning how the platform works and look up techniques on how other successful marketers advertise on Facebook.
You may not learn everything in a few weeks or even a few months.
But once you get the hang of Facebook Ads, it’s going to be relatively easy and quick for you to create ads that will not only capture your audience’s attention, but also their loyalty, and of course, their money.
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